Did you know that some of the best researchers in the world, are people on the road to death, suffering with chronic diseases, or have a loved one who is? Limitations in health, are created by most who solely rely on an overly regulated medical system, tailored by bureaucrats, who have no medical background. To bypass these limitations, an individual will have to commit to personal research, to improve the longevity, and efficiency of the human body. Healing, is a factor we all want in our personal favor, and direct control. One readily viable source to promote healing, is Pantothenic Acid, or what is most commonly known as, Vitamin-B5. Since Pantothenic Acid has a wide range of uses, let's discuss the available sources of Vitamin B-5, as well as the effects it presents on the human body, and uses for cosmetic applications.
Highly processed foods, are one of the top contributors to Obesity issues, and they also support the growth of chronic diseases such as Diabetes and Heart Disease. Highly processed Foods, also eliminate vital Vitamins and minerals, that are naturally present in most foods, like Pantothenic Acid. Almost every vegetable, fruit, and meat source you encounter, contains varying amounts of Pantothenic Acid, so people should try to ensure their diet has more natural sources of food within. The richest dietary sources of Pantothenic Acid, are typically meat products. The estimated 100% Daily Value (DV) of Pantothenic Acid needed to maintain the human body at a healthy state, is 5 Milligrams (MG). Boiled Beef Liver contains the highest amount in a single serving of 3 ounces, delivering about 8.3 MG of Pantothenic Acid, which is 166% of the recommended DV. Chicken is a more common source of meat people eat, and when a 6 ounce Chicken Breast is roasted, it can contain up to 2.6MG of Pantothenic Acid, which is 52% of the recommended DV. If you are a vegetarian, there are alternatives outside of meat products, that will fulfill your need for Pantothenic Acid also. One half cup of cooked and chopped Shiitake Mushrooms, contain about 2.6MG of Pantothenic Acid, the same amount as 6 ounces of roasted chicken breast. Sunflower Seeds and Avocados, are also excellent sources of Pantothenic Acid, and are highly nutritious in other vitamins and minerals. The more you know about natural sources of food, the better you can learn to supplement your diet with them, as to steer away from convenient processed foods, that not only eliminate valuable nutrition, but can also support chronic diseases within the human body.
Pantothenic Acid can produce many positive health benefits internally and externally. It plays a role in our metabolism, and is essential for the conversion of food, into physical energy reserves for humans to use throughout their daily activities. This conversion from food to energy, is more efficiently processed, with the combination of other sources of Vitamins, such as Vitamins A, B6, B12, and B9. All of which can be supplemented with other natural sources of foods that can be commonly found. Pantothenic Acid is vital for the production of Antibodies also. Antibodies are considered to be a large protein, that are triggered as an immune response, into production, to fight off Insect venom's, Viruses, and Pathogenic Bacteria, when introduced to the body. Pantothenic Acid also works as an Anti-inflammatory agent, which could assist with a variety of physical injuries, or help alleviate forms of chronic pain, that are associated with inflammations or swelling in the body. The positive effects this great nutrient has on our personal health, would classify it as a form of food medicine, to supplement our bodies, for healthy maintenance.
Outside of food sources that contain Pantothenic Acid, there are chemical solutions that exist of it as well, primarily as topical applications for Cosmetics use. Hair products, typically advertise Pantothenic Acid as Pro Vitamin B-5. Hair products that contain Pantothenic Acid, work well with reducing dry scaly scalps, while thickening, protecting, and repairing damaged hair from mechanical and environmental damage. Mechanical damage to hair is caused from brushing, perming, coloring, combing, washing, and can cause split ends and reduction in hydration. Pantothenic Acid is excellent with reducing the formations of split ends in hair, and provides hydrating protection that conditions thoroughly. Studies have been conducted, showing that a single application is enough for Pantothenic Acid to penetrate hair, and show a desired effect, but multiple applications will give further results, and will store the nutrient with long term deposits. When Pantothenic Acid is used in Skincare products, it stimulates cellular growth and tissue repair while inhibiting redness and inflammation of the tissues. It also makes skin softer, more elastic, and has peer reviewed research, showing Pantothenic Acid speeds up the healing process of several types of minor wounds. Pantothenic Acid also works as an Antioxidant, which protects your skin from damaging exposures, such as UV rays from the sun, by protecting the outer valence electrons of skin tissue molecules, from being stimulated to the point of being removed, which would damage that cell, and cause effects such as sunburn. Hydration can be acquired by use of Pantothenic Acid on the hair, skin, and nails when topically applied, which protects them from drying out and deteriorating. Topical solutions of Pantothenic Acid, have a direct effect on maintaining the longevity of the skin tissues, hair, nails and should be sought after for tissue repair outside of cosmetic use as well.
When you cannot rely on a politically based medical system, that wants your money, more than to provide medical solutions, individual research needs to take precedence. The natural sources of food we can commonly find anywhere, contain great nutritional value to support a healthy life style, and can be utilized, if we understand how they work with our bodies. The ability to heal our own bodies is a desired intent we all want, to live long healthy lives. Pantothenic Acid has been proven with several sources of professional research, to give us the ability to heal our bodies in many fashions. Whether its with our food, or topical solutions we are using, we can heal ourselves from the inside and out.